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Public Safety

Our Public Safety Program has served the law enforcement and fire fighting community since 1992.

The program was founded by Richard Newman, Ph.D in 1992. Dr. Newman, in addition to his work as a psychologist, served as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff with Clackamas County Sheriff’s Department for a number of years.

Our Public Safety Program offers pre-employment, post-offer medical and psychological assessments for law enforcement officers, emergency dispatchers, parole and probations officers and fire fighters for approximately 35 different agencies in Oregon.

We are guided by the International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) Pre-Employment Psychological Guidelines revised in 2014, the Americans with Disability Act, EEOC Guidelines, and ACOEM guidelines.

Additionally we offer individual confidential counseling for police officers or fire fighters who may have been involved in traumatic incidents and require specialized counseling services.


At NWOMC we provide a number of outpatient assessments and evaluations. We are able to provide evaluations that cover Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Physiatry), physical therapy, occupational therapy and psychological domains. 

Medical Evaluations: 

Physician Evaluation

Depending on referral issues to be addressed; the Physiatrist (doctor specializing in non-surgical assessment of neurologic and musculoskeletal conditions) performs an evaluation and makes recommendations for further diagnostic studies and/or treatment, if indicated. Available medical specialties include: Physiatry, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurology and Psychiatry.

Electrodiagnostics (EMG/NCV)

This diagnostic evaluation is performed and interpreted by a board certified physiatrist.

Closing and Rating Evaluation

This examination is performed by selected clinicians to determine whether or not the effects of an industrial injury can be considered medically stationary/maximum medical improvement (MMI)/ fixed and stable, and to determine the rating of any permanent impairment associated with the injury according to appropriate state statues.

Psychological Evaluations: 

Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation

In addition to specializing in pain and somatization disorders, our clinical psychologists are trained to assess and diagnose the full spectrum of mood, anxiety, and other psychological disorders.  Recommendations regarding treatment are offered. 

Neuropsychological Evaluation

Neuropsychological evaluations, including testing, are recommended when a patient has sustained an injury that may have resulted in diminished cognitive functioning (e.g. head injury, toxic exposure, stroke, etc.) or when non-injury related factors such as psychiatric illness or disease process may be interfering with cognitive functioning.


Individual or multiple outpatient services may be accessed to target specific rehabilitation needs and solutions. These might include one or more of the following: 

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists provide rehabilitative services to individuals with injuries and other conditions requiring rehabilitation in areas of daily living. Body mechanics, pacing, and simulation of work and home activities are the focuses of treatment. Work site ergonomic visits can also be arranged on an individual basis.

Biofeedback Therapy

A certified biofeedback practitioner can work with patients to learn self-regulation skills for management of various conditions including chronic headache, chronic low back pain, and anxiety. Patients learn to control physiological responses to stress through feedback provided by a computer that monitors the individual’s physical functioning, such as muscle tension, respiration, and finger surface temperature.

Physical Therapy

Outpatient physical therapy services are offered at NWOMC, and provide patients with state-of-the-art treatments for injury rehabilitation. Active modalities of treatment are the focus, providing patients with tools to generalize to their own home exercise programs. 

Northwest Occupational Medicine Center

Phone: 503-684-7246 |

Fax: 503-624-0724 |

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

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